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How It Works


Trying to come up with new and unique date ideas and things to do can be bloody hard work!

Unless you're a bit of a romantic or creative sorta person, it can feel like it's the most difficult and frustrating thing in the world.

And, after all that thinking and frustration, the best mot couples can come up with is 'dinner and movies' or 'Netflix and chill'...

Even worse, they start thinking they need to spend as much money as they can afford on an extravagant night out in order for it to be something special.

Below, we're going to show you how quick and easy it is to use The Ultimate Date Guide to create some of the most amazing and memorable experiences you and your partner will ever share!

Step #1:

What's The Occasion?

Pick from one or more of our 16 super fun categories inside the book which include things like first date, date night, anniversary, birthday, themes, locations and even cost.

There are thousands of different combinations to create for every occasion.

Step #2:

What's The Vibe?

It all starts with the VIBE you're trying to create, will it be an adventurous road trip through the mountains, a chilled out day walking the beaches along the coast, or a rugged up rainy day inside cuddled up under a blanket?

Decide what sort of vibe you're aiming to achieve to give you a better direction about exactly what type of activities you're going to organise.

Step #3:

Where Are You Going?

What's the location? How many stops will there be? How far away are they? Before your venture out, make sure you have an end destination in mind whether it be hours away or even at home.

You're going to want to make sure you're planning ahead so you can perfectly execute your date idea!

Step #4:

Do You Need Supplies?

Although there are loads of ideas that require nothing but you and your partner to be together, there are just as many that will require a few little nik-naks in order to bring the ideas to life.

Will you need to head to the shops and pick up the necessary supplies first?

Step #5:


Don't rush the process, follow the rules step-by-step, plan ahead and you'll ensure that you both have an experience of a lifetime.

There are thousands of different combinations to come up with inside, so you have a never ending supply of new and unique date ideas that are completely different from the last!

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